Số 10, Lô O, KDC Miếu Nổi, Đường Đinh Tiên Hoàng, Phường 3, Q.Bình Thạnh, TP. HCM
Hotline :
01678 001 207
Email : trang@songthanhcong.com
YM : ngoctrang.199
Email : trang@songthanhcong.com
YM : ngoctrang.199
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Máy ghi không giấy - VM6800
This is a paperless recorder that displays measured data on the LCD in real time and stores data in CompactFlash. The type of input such as thermocouple, resistance bulb, D.C. voltage (current), etc. can be arbitrarily set to 36 channels at the maximum. The data stored in CompactFlash can be regenerated on the screen, and the use of supplied support software allows the data to be regenerated on a PC screen. The data recorded in ASCII format can be directly read in a spreadsheet such as Excel, which facilitates the processing on a PC. (The data recorded in binary format cannot be read in.)
1. Large capacity storage by CompactFlashMeasured data is periodically stored in CompactFlash.
In case of 256 MB, for example, display files for about one year and a half (display refresh cycle 30 sec) can be taken up (in case of ASCII data format, 9 channels, maximum/minimum recording).
2. Quick search and display of past data
Data stored in CompactFlash can be displayed in succession by scrolling the screen.
3. Various display capability
Depending on the object of measurement, the most suitable display format can be selected from a variety of formats including bar graph display, trend display, digital display,etc.
4. PC support software supplied as standard Loader software that enables easy display and change of set data and data viewer software that regenerates the data stored in CompactFlash are supplied as standard.
5. 36-point recording 12 types of thermocouples, 2 types of resistance bulbs and DC voltage/current input can be recorded up to 36 points.
6. LCD extinguishing function
Automatically extinguishes the LCD if nothing is operated for certain time. You can set the time after a lapse of which the LCD is extinguished via parameter "LCD extinguishing time". The settable range is 0 to 60 minutes.
Setting at 0 minute overrides the function, whereby the LCD will never extinguish.
This function prevents the backlight life from shortening uselessly. During the extinguishment, the power consumption can be reduced.
7. Ethernet function (Option)
FTP, Web server, e-mail and MODBUS-TCP are available using 10Base-T.
Hotline :
001 207
Email : trang@songthanhcong.com
YM : ngoctrang.199
Email : trang@songthanhcong.com
YM : ngoctrang.199
SKP : ngoctrang.199
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